
Glendalough Rescue (29/12/12)

At 12:16hrs on Saturday 29th December, An Garda Síochána requested the help from the Glen of Imaal Red Cross Mountain Rescue Team and the Dublin & Wicklow Mountain Rescue Team to aid in the rescue of a 68 year old woman who had sustained a lower leg injury while walking the Spink in Glendalough.

The woman who had been out walking with family members, was descending towards the Glenealo bridge when she slipped and sustained a lower leg injury. Shortly after the initial call, the Irish Coastguard Helicopter, call sign ‘Rescue 116’ was tasked to the area. Mountain rescue personnel and the coastguard winchman treated the woman for her injuries and packaged her into a stretcher. She was moved a short distance to a suitable location to enable her to be airlifted. Once airlifted she was flown to Tallaght hospital for further treatment. The remaining family members were escorted off the mountain without incident.

Mountain Rescue would like to thank all those involved in this successful rescue including:

An Garda Síochána, The Irish Coastguard & Wicklow Mountains National Park