Moonlight Challenge 2022
New Registration system for 2022: 👉🏼 REGISTRATION HELP + FAQ
Date: November 12th 2022
2022 Route: 25.5km / 800m heigh climb
Buff Colour: White / Blue
Route: This year’s MLC is approx 25.5 km and will start/finish at Glen of Imaal Mountain Rescue Base, Trooperstown (A98 VY72). During the event, the entire route will be marked with arrows and marshalled by our wonderful volunteers, so you will not be expected to navigate yourself. On the day of the event you will also have access to our app with an interactive map of the route.
Park N Ride: This year there will be a park n ride facility available from Laragh car park. This car park is located beside the Woollen Mills and GAA grounds in Laragh and is well sign-posted. Free shuttle buses will operate between the car park and the rescue base.
Incentive to Carpool: There will be a limited amount of spaces available for participants in Troopestown car park, located beside the base. **ONLY cars with 4 to 5 people can avail of these spaces. Any cars with 3 or less people will be directed to Laragh car park.
Gear Essentials: On the night there will be lots of support available on the course, but it’s important to remember that it will be a challenging hike and there is some gear that you MUST have with you.
- Good hiking boots
- A head torch and spare batteries
- A waterproof jacket and pants (Fingers crossed we won’t need them)
- A hat, a pair of gloves and plenty of warm layers
- Enough snacks to keep you going (As always, some snacks and hot chocolate will be available at the checkpoints)
- We recommended that your team has at least one small first aid kit and a pack of Compeed blister plasters
- A minimum of 1 litre of water. There will be a water station approximately half way through the route
Hints and tips: Not esssentials but some practical information. If you don’t have a rain cover for your bag, make sure your warm layers and spares are in a plastic or waterproof bag within your backpack (They are no use to you if they get wet!). If you have space in your backpack consider bringing a spare hat and gloves, especially if rain is forecast. Check the weather in the Glendalough hills before arriving so you are aware of what to expect on the night (will it be dry/wet night, Cold temps, Strong winds etc..)
Planting Trees for our future – 2022
The Glen Team would like to take this opportunity to thank Coillte, Wood Industries Rathdrum and David Ward Groundworks for sponsoring the Tree Planting for 2022. There will be a tree planted for each participant taking part in the 2022 MLC. The above companies will cover the costs of the trees, wiring and mesh used for tree guards (while the trees are young and need protection)
This project is managed by the conservation rangers in the Wicklow Mountains National Park, through which much of the Moonlight Challenge route will traverse 🌳 💚
2022 Route
Angela Sweeney Award
Angela Sweeney was one of the founding members of FOG (Friends Of the Glen). She sadly passed away in 2011. To this day we still run the Moonlight Challenge in line with her vision of a fun and enjoyable event, rather than a race. Every year we present the team we feel best demonstrates this vision with the Angela Sweeney Award. All you have to remember is – have fun, enjoy the night and laugh through whatever the mountains and the weather throw’s at you